• For processing standard glass we accept AutoCAD files in .dwg and .dxf format, as well as .pdf representations of drawing files with dimensions, thickness, tint and all other important information clearly displayed.
  • If you do not have access to AutoCAD do not worry, our technical team can create all the files required for you from basic sketches and descriptions though it may require additional communication and sign off before production.
  • For printed images we accept all standard image types such as .jpeg, .bmp, .pdf, .png and .tiff. Images must be of a resolution that is suitable for the size of glass they intend to be printed on. If an image is sent to us that is the size of a postcard but is required to be 1 x 2 meters in width and height there is a very good chance that the print will come out pixelated due to the amount of pixels per inch dropping below minimum suitable ranges. An image that has roughly 150-300 pixels per inch once manipulated to suit the glass will show far better results than an image with less than 150 dpi. We also accept vector based patterns and shapes.